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Prison Poems
Prison Poems
Posted April/May 2021 but originally 2020
Into the Holiest
I've Read My Title Clear
God's Sovereignty
The Blessings of Redemption
Dec. 14th 1932
God's Unspeakable Gift
Composed Wed. Jan 4th
Composed Feb 1st 1933
Composed Feb 9th 1933
The Tight Corner Test
Christ Rejected by Men
The Sparrow
A Prayer
The Wisdom of God's Salvation
We Reap What we Sow in Life
Feb 21. 35.
Feb 21. 35. (2)
The Victories and Virtues
Booklet of Poems
God's Grace Towards Mankind
The Book of Job in Prose
Earth's Little While
Time Waits for No Man
Time and Tide Tarry for no Man
Brevity of Time
Where will you Spend Eternity?
I'm Pressing On
Last Poem and Photo
“Learn of Me”
The Setting of the Sun
God Will Keep
The Second Coming of Our Lord Jesus Christ
The Great European War
A Children’s Hymn
The Second Coming of Our Lord Jesus Christ (2)
The Risen Lord
The Victory Gain
“Oh Death, Where is Thy Sting?”
“Trust in Jesus”
“Whisper Jesus”
Following Jesus
In Conflict
Take Courage
The Outstretched Arms
Jan 1916
“Go Ye”
“Dead Unto Sin”
Be Ye Steadfast Unmoveable
The Lord is My Helper
The European War
Barabbas or Jesus
A Testimony
Jesus Glorified
Dec. 7. 1915.
God On The Throne
Xmas 1915
The Holy Child Jesus
Jan 18, 16
Jan. 24th? 1916
Jan 25th 1916 The Name of Jesus
Sept 6th Peace in time of War
June 20th 1916
Sept 21st 1916
Nov. 13th 1926 God's Love
The Second Coming
“What are these that are Arrayed in White Robes?"
“God Incarnate”
“The Lord is King”
God is Love
The Precious Word of God
Christ the Fountain of Grace
God's Lamb
The Lordship of Christ
Give Honour to the Lamb
The Wisdom of God in Redemption
The Influence and Work of the Holy Spirit
Buried with Christ in Baptism
I Will Bless the Lord at all Times
Jesus All in All
How Excellent is Thy Name
Clarence Bentley, my maternal grandfather, was a committed Christian and lived his life solidly following the teaching of the Bible. He, like my paternal grandparents and my parents, was a member of the Glad Tidings Hall, Assemblies of God, Pentecostal Church, Boyer Street, Derby. This church had its beginnings above a carpenter's workshop in Derby, when its members were massively impacted by the outpouring of the Holy Spirit in the early part of the 20th century - I understand it was the first church in the Midlands to become ‘Pentecostal’ in experience. They grew significantly and took over the much larger hall in Boyer Street - the place to which I was taken as a baby and where I was baptised by full immersion at the age of 10 in 1954, following my decision to ask Jesus to become my Lord and Saviour four years earlier.
Sadly, my maternal grandmother died in 1930 when my mother was 11, so I never knew her. My grandfather married again, resulting in another son and daughter (Arthur and Eunice) to join the two daughters and son (my mother Iris, Faith and Cecil) he had from his first marriage. In another tragedy this marriage was to end in divorce, so my only memory of him is him living alone in Holtlands Drive, Derby.

Intro continued
c1920 with his then family, Iris sitting on her
mother’s knee and Cecil standing to her left.
When World War One broke out, he stood firm as a conscientious objector, and this being looked upon far more seriously than was the case during World War II, he was sentenced to prison - Wormwood Scrubs. He was treated very badly there, as everyone looked down on those who refused to fight for King and country; and when he was not in prison he was obliged to serve his country by working on a farm. (A poem, 25th April 1915, was written – ‘after conflict - in Hognaston’, a tiny Derbyshire village near Carsington Water, and I believe this was when he was on the farm.) On one occasion the farmer set the bull on him, and generally made his life miserable.
When finally he was able to resume a ‘normal’ life, he was a compositor - setting the type for a printing firm. I remember my mother telling me that on one occasion the firm was asked to print a book that involved printing the Greek language. The Christians at Boyer Street studied Greek in order to better understand the New Testament, so he was familiar with it. When the job was finished, the company for whom the job was done contacted the printers to thank them, because not only had the book been printed well, but errors that had been made in the original Greek text of the book had been corrected - my grandfather’s work!
While he was in Wormwood Scrubs, and then after he was released, he wrote some poems, and my mother inherited the book in which he wrote them. In fact most of the poems here were written after his release, but I decided to call this page 'Prison Poems' in memory of those he wrote while there.
When my mother died I inherited the book, and so here are the poems. I have tried to reflect the wording and punctuation exactly as it is written. The language may appear quaint by today’s standards, but the use of ‘thee’ and ‘thou’, for example, was common practice in church circles at that time. My understanding is that where “After conflict” appears in a poem’s title, this refers to difficulties experienced in prison and various battles he faced after being released. On the first page it says:
Written in Wormwood Scrubs Prison, Jan 26 1917
on Foolscap Sheet which Governor gave me prior
to leaving for Work Centre, Warwick. I wrote it
originally on the slate in the wall, and rewrote it from slate
Through the night of weeping, through the night of pain,
Out of tribulation, we shall come again.
With our voices singing to the Risen Lord
Loud His praises ringing for His Mighty Word.
Over all victorious we shall gain the crown
At the feet of Jesus lay our trophies down.
Often being tempted we may be depressed,
Often in affliction we may be distressed;
Meeting many hardships, pressed by many foes,
But the Man Christ Jesus, every feeling knows.
He can give us succour, He can give us grace
Looking unto Jesus we shall run the race.
Oh! How great the Victor, now upon the Throne
What a revelation to His saints made known.
There He is exalted, There He reigns as King
Holy adoration unto Him we bring.
Satan still is raging, saints are in the fight
But are overcomers, clad in Jesu’s might.
We the cross must carry faithfully each day
Witnessing for Jesus all along the way.
Never must we falter, never once give in,
But be true and holy overcoming sin.
Speaking words of kindness, with fruition too
Not a better service could we ever do.
Soon our Lord is coming, we shall hear His voice
Caught up in a moment we shall all rejoice.
In His presence always, kings and priests to reign,
Clothed with wondrous glory, free from sin and pain.
What an holy calling, blessed hope in view,
Purifying heart and mind, keeping saints all true.
God doth purify their hearts, God doth keep them true!
See over for another
written either on 26th or 27th
of Jan. 1917
On the second page is written:
Have you been with Jesus and learned of Him
Have you felt His touch of power
Is your knowledge of Him faint and dim
Can you watch with Him one hour.
Would you know the joy of the secret life
Spirit in His presence each day
Blessed peace undisturbed by sin and strife
Learn of Jesus how to pray.
Have you been with Jesus outside the camp
Bearing His reproach and shame
Holding forth His Word as a lighted lamp
To those who despise His Name.
Then, as the offscouring, trodden down
And they by the world despised;
Of no reputation, losing renown,
But by Jesus recognised.
Have you been with Jesus, to share His grief
Alone in Gethsemane.
In agony for the sinners relief
From there to the cursed tree.
Are you willing the bitter cup to drink
And all on the Altar lay?
Not from the bitter suffering to shrink
But follow Him all the way
This is the process the rod and the knife,
Chastisement, affliction, too.
For those who have suffered with Jesus shall reign
But this is the way of abundant life,
The work of the Potter to do.
The next page begins all the poems that follow here and is headed:
Meditations of a Sinner “saved by grace.”
Written November 12th 1914
The moments are passing, how quickly they go.
I say, my dear friend, it’s a blessing to know
That each one was grasped as quick as it came
With one thought in mind, to honour His name.
The moments are passing, but how very small,
Though each one will count in numbering up all,
But listen, dear friend, each one of them make
A life that is lived asleep or awake.
The moments are passing to everyone given
Opportunities many - a ladder to heaven.
“What are they?” you ask; the result will be known
When you and I gather around the Great Throne.
The moments are passing, “the night is far spent.”
Christ Jesus is coming - are you content
With no souls to greet Him, with nothing to bring
As an offering to Jesus - your Saviour and King?
The moments are passing, “awake thou that sleepest,”
And Christ shall give to thee life that is sweetest.
Thrice has He called thee; morn, noon and night,
Hasten to answer, obedience brings light.
The moments are passing, but how very true
That Jesus has something for each one to do.
A service to render, a burden to bear,
A kindly word spoken dries many a tear.
The moments are passing, and what have we done?
How much has been wasted - how many years gone?
Opportunity comes like a wide-open door
Which one day will close to open no more.
The moments are passing, but glory to God,
That life will speak, although ‘neath the sod;
Whose motive was pure, whose love always true
In constant well-doing life’s journey through.
The moments are passing, but each one must bring
Us nearer to Jesus, for to Him we cling.
How precious the moments in fellowship sweet,
Continually hearing the Word at His feet.
The moments are passing, renewed by His power,
We’ll continue to follow hour by hour.
Shadows may darken, faith may grow weak
But He never faileth, ‘tis Him we seek.
The moments are passing, His Word is the same:
A cup of cold water given in Christ’s name
Shall not be forgotten, though years may pass by
As God will reward in eternity.
The moments are passing, grasp every one
Opportunity affords you to honour God’s Son.
Thus life will be sweeter, and nothing be lost,
In honouring Jesus, whatever the cost.
Learn of Me
“Learn of Me”
Nov. 26th 1914
“Learn of Me,” O little flock
As it is written, “Ask, seek, knock,
Follow Me” husband and wife.
“I am the Way, the Truth, the Life.”
“Learn of Me,” and do my will
I bid the winds and waves “be still”
“‘Tis he who doeth,” saith my Word
Not they who only say, “Lord, Lord."
“Learn of Me,” When burdens bear
“And take My yoke - life with Me share.
“Rest unto your souls” ye seek,
You shall then know that I am meek.”
“Learn of Me,” the path to know
“For my sake and the Gospel’s, go
Praying still, “Thy will be done”
Then you shall hear the glad “well done.”
“Learn of Me,” afflicted soul
Your burdens now upon Me roll.
In the stillness of the day
I am listening when you pray.
“Learn of Me,” afflicted one
Physician greater there is none.
Words I speak to make thee whole
And pour fresh life into your soul.
Setting of the sun
The Setting of the Sun
November 27th 1914
Tune: How sweet the name of Jesus sounds
How beautiful the setting sun,
All golden are its rays;
What splendour and magnificence
God’s handiwork displays.
What warmth it gives, what light it sheds;
Its equal there is none.
How perfect too, in every part,
The work of God alone.
Sometimes the clouds may gather round,
To hide it from our view
That we might value it the more
Each time it passes through.
And yet this is one world alone,
The work of God’s own hand;
And to the sons of men made known
The heavens He has planned.
His purpose is to manifest -
However great or small,
This is the lesson we must learn -
His wondrous love to all.
More warmth than that the sun can give,
Or light than it can shed,
The Son of Righteousness imparts;
To raise souls from the dead.
God will keep
God Will Keep
November 28th 1914
“Kept in His hand, sealed with His blood,
“All things working together for good.”
His divine purpose unfolding to thee
What has been prepared from eternity.
Kept in His hand, no fears alarm;
No foe can follow to do thee harm.
The secret place of the Most High there dwell
Secure from all fiery darts from hell.
Kept in His hand, there to abide
Walking along by the Saviour’s side.
No better place can be found than this.
Led by His Spirit, thy hand in His.
Kept in His hand, what joy I find.
His covering presence before and behind,
Waiting upon Him, day by day.
He is my God, my Guide, my Stay.
Kept in His hand, walking by faith,
Obedient to what His Spirit saith.
Into green pastures so often led;
Upon His Word, continually fed.
The Second Coming
The Second Coming of Our Lord Jesus Christ
December 23rd 1914
We can upon Thy Word rely
That soon again Thou wilt appear
Though scoffers may this truth deny
We feel the time is drawing near.
We have this consciousness within
As sweet as pardon to the soul
Entirely sanctified from sin
Triumphant we shall reach the goal.
We know not when the time will be
Our safest guide to “Watch and pray”
For then the Bridegroom we shall see
Ready to meet Him on that day.
Uncertain though Thy saints may be
When Thou shalt come in mighty power
They live in blest expectancy
E’en if it be the midnight hour.
Great European War
The Great European War
Written Jan. 5th 1915
The noise of battle, Lord we hear
Cannons bursting forth their shell
Too many precious lives we fear
By cruel armaments have fell
Whilst the conflict still is raging
Hatred reaches to its height
Men with men their souls are waging
Watchman! Say, “What of the night?”
Clouds of smoke are gathering round
Gruesome sights behold the eye
Bodies shattered on the ground
Others heard through wounds to sigh
Against each other swords are drawn
As man to man no reason why
Lord, grant us soon a brighter morn
In lasting peace the nations tie.
Amid these scenes a cry we hear
From soldiers’ lips, whose hearts are torn
Realising death so near
“For such an end we were not born.”
Is not God’s purpose through His Son
Whatever nation, class, or tongue
To knit all hearts by love in one
This only can subdue the wrong.
Unless Thy will is done below
Hastening peace can never reign
And Thy love men better know
To forsake all selfish gain.
Childrens hymn
A Children’s Hymn
Written, Jan 17th 1915
My thoughts are known to Jesus
About Him I must think
If I would grow more holy
And never from Him shrink.
He bids me not forget Him
Whilst in my younger years
But early seek to serve Him
And spare me many tears.
My words are known to Jesus
Yes! Every one I speak
If they are kind and helpful
To some who may be weak.
To know that Jesus listens
How careful I should be
Lest I should often grieve Him
Who died on Calvary.
My love is known to Jesus
If it is weak or strong
And, by the love of Jesus
I’m kept from harm and wrong.
There is but one Good Shepherd
Such wondrous love has shown
And they who truly love Him
To others make it known.
Second Coming 2
The Second Coming of Our Lord Jesus Christ
February 1st 1915
1. Jesus Christ our Lord is coming
Precious truth that God has given
For His saints who now are waiting
His return in power from heaven
We shall know Him when we see Him
By the marks where nails were driven.
CHORUS:- He is coming, He is coming
Jesus Christ Who died for me
He is coming, yes! He’s coming
Soon His lovely face I’ll see
2. Though the cloud that once received Him
Closed again at His command
Jesus’ feet, as it is written,
Shall upon Mount Olives stand.
They will sing the song of Moses
When the saints in heaven land.
CHORUS:- He is coming, etc.
3. He of earth Lord and Creator
None in heaven so great as He
Though by some despised rejected
Everyone shall bow the knee
And the soldiers, which have pierced Him
Filled with terror then will be.
CHORUS:- He is coming, etc.
4. Soon the cry: “Behold He cometh!”
Will His saints with joy exclaim
Whether morning, noon or midnight
They are ready, ‘Praise His Name!
Jesus Christ the Lord is coming
All ye messengers proclaim.
The Risen Lord
The Risen Lord
February 15th 1915 (after conflict)
He lives, He lives, the Christ Who died
The sin of man to bear;
He lives, He lives, Who overcame
His victory you can share.
Exalted now upon the Throne
Who greater can there be?
Oh, sinner, come, your Saviour own
And He will set you free.
How great the price He had to pay
To clear the sinners guilt
Himself upon the Altar lay
His precious blood was spilt.
No longer now by Satan bound
Or fear of death shall hold,
For God has put His armour round
Christ’s righteousness makes bold.
He lives, He lives, and can impart
The power to conquer sin;
“A broken and a contrite heart”
He longs to enter in.
The Victory Gain
The Victory Gain
March 1st 1915 (After conflict)
1. Rejoice, the Lord your soul set free
- when lifted up on Calvary’s tree
Upon Himself your sin He took -
- In agony - by God forsook
A righteousness not of your own
He saves you by His grace alone.
CHORUS:- Rejoice, the Lord hath set you free
And mercy, grace and liberty
He gives to you the very hour
You trust in His redeeming power.
2. Your doubts and fears He can remove
Upon the throne He reigns above
To intercede for sinners such
Of Him you cannot ask too much
Just plead the Saviour’s Holy Name
The victory over Satan gain.
CHORUS:- Oh, Praise the Lord, the victory gain
In Jesus all-prevailing Name
All power on earth to Him is given
He lives to intercede in Heaven.
3. There never was a better Friend
Upon His word you can depend
His love so great, so strong and true
And everything for them to do
A crown of thorns upon this brow
“The Fairest of ten thousand” now.
CHORUS:- There never was a better Friend
Always the same, world without end
That love of His will never die
The worth of which gold cannot buy.
(Or: The love of Christ will never fade
Nor shall the gates of Hell prevail.)
Oh death where is thy sting
“Oh Death, Where is Thy Sting?”
March 2nd 1915
Welcome, O death, from mortal care
For sight will take the place of prayer
When once I pass the bars which now
So many in great terror bow,
And sink beneath the load.
By faith in God’s abounding love,
Expect to meet my Lord above,
Nor fear whilst on the road.
Oh, Blessed Christ, accept my praise
Which I in weakness to Thee raise,
Now broken are the jaws of death,
The Holy Scriptures plainly saith:
“O death, where is thy sting?”
Thus when I reach the land of bliss
I’ll sing a nobler song than this,
To Thee, my Lord and King.
Now grant to me a fuller light,
Before my faith gives place to sight.
Teach me obedience to Thy Word,
Help me to wield the mighty sword,
And in Thy love repose.
Thrice blest is he who thus will love,
And every talent to Thee give:
His soul he shall not lose.
Trust in Jesus
“Trust in Jesus”
March 11th 1915 (After conflict)
O doubting heart, by fears oppressed
In Jesus’ righteousness be dressed
Nor fear at all.
Put on the armour, wield the sword
And with the Spirit of the Lord
Your foes must fall.
Why sink beneath corroding care,
When Jesus waits to answer prayer,
And take thy load?
E’en thought the path seems dark to tread,
Doubt not - you will be safely led
He knows the road.
What though you have to face the foe?
With Jesus as your Captain go
To victory.
Suffer men’s taunts in Jesus’ strength
You then will share with Him at length
Whisper Jesus
“Whisper Jesus”
March 16th 15 (After conflict)
When surrounded by your foes
Whisper Jesus
Whisper Jesus
This the victory Satan knows
Jesus, Jesus.
When your faith gives place to fear,
Whisper Jesus
Whisper Jesus
In your weakness He draws near
Jesus, Jesus.
Satan cannot make you fall
Whisper Jesus
Whisper Jesus
He will hear you when you call
Jesus, Jesus.
Until these mighty conflicts cease
Whisper Jesus
Whisper Jesus
In tribulation, this your peace
Jesus, Jesus.
Following Jesus
Following Jesus
April 13th 1915 (After conflict)
What shall I render gracious Lord,
For all Thou art to me?
I’ll take the cup which Thou did’st drink
Though bitter it may be.
Why should I faint, or yet complain,
Though great may be the test;
Whilst following Thee along this path
Thy will for me is best.
Oh lead me Lord, nor let me choose
An easier path than this;
For I have taken up the cross
And with it find the bliss.
In life, in death, whate’er betide
Help me to faithful be
The visage, once by man so scarred
In glory I shall see.
In Conflict
In Conflict
April 13, 1915 (After conflict)
Gird on thy sword, O child of God
Fear not to wield it on your way
With the whole armour onward plod
And wear it always, night and day.
The victory to Him belongs
Who knows “the secret of the Lord;”
And only he can bravely fight
Who trusts in God’s almighty Word.
Jesus has conquered every foe
The Captain of salvation He
And in His might, upon the field,
You also shall have victory.
The fallen hosts, by Satan led
In cunning craftiness deceive
Alluring precious souls to doubt
And thus do cords of bondage weave.
But Jesus Christ the Lord o’ercame
And seated now upon the Throne
Led by His Spirit Him to know
Can claim His victory as your own.
Take Courage
Take Courage
April 25th 15 (At Hognaston, after conflict)
What though the way seem dark and drear
His perfect love will cast out fear
The darkness cannot hide His face
For God will manifest His grace -
And lead me on.
What if I’m called upon to make
A sacrifice for His dear sake
‘Tis but a little I can do
And I must gladly do it too
He died for me.
What though my friends despise and shun
Whilst witnessing for God’s dear Son
This is the way the Saviour took
His own disciples Him forsook
At Calvary.
Oh, Blessed Christ, to Thee I’ll raise
Each day I live a note of praise
I am not worthy of Thy grace
Yet Thou hast promised me a place
In heaven above.
Whilst here on earth I dimly see
What all Thy love hath wrought for me
But looking for the better day
When the dark shadows flee away
To see Thy face.
Outstretched Arms
The Outstretched Arms
May 4th 1915
His hands were lifted up to save, maybe
To-night you see them lifted up for thee
Those woundprints plainly show
That precious blood did flow
To save you from your sin and misery.
His hands were lifted up to bless, how true
That they are lifted up to rest on you
His touch will make you whole
Pour life into your soul
This very moment ask Him thus to do.
His hands were lifted up to smite, oh yes!
And now, as then, against unrighteousness
Good works cannot appease
The blood alone will please
“Flee from the wrath,” put on Christ’s righteousness.
Go ye
“Go Ye”
Composed April 21st 1915
I hear the heathen calling in unmistaken tones
My heart is greatly burdened, for them my spirit groans
In darkness they are groping, in vain they seek for light
Oh hear my prayer, Lord Jesus, and give to them their sight.
How much they long for freedom though circling all around
Are numerous gods to keep them still bowing to the ground
They know not the Deliverer - the One to set them free
By Satan kept in bondage in sin and misery.
More labourers Thou art needing to send into the Field
The harvest truly plenteous, its fruit to Thee shall yield
We plead Thy Name Lord Jesus - we know Thy power to save
The ones by Thee most fitted now and across the wave.
Dead unto sin
“Dead Unto Sin”
Sept 8th 1915
Put to death O child of God
Just as the seed placed ‘neath the sod
Your life with Christ identified
The fleshly lusts all crucified.
Nor need they rise to give Thee pain
The cleanséd heart once more to stain
Once reckoned dead you there abide
The blessing claimed - in Him confide.
Happy release both self and sin
The strongest foes which dwell within
Conquered by God’s Almighty power
Controlled by Him each day each hour.
How sweet to rest upon the Word
Filled with the fullness of the Lord
In knowledge and in grace to grow
Continually to the Spirit sow.
Thus Spirit filled and Spirit led
Joined unto Christ the Living Head
Unto His likeness be conformed
The mind renewed will be transformed.
(No longer to the world conformed
But by His Spirit now transformed.)
Be ye steadfast Unmoveable
Be Ye Steadfast Unmoveable
May 4th 1915 (After conflict)
Since the Saviour fought His way
And conquered in the darkest day
Shall we, who still are in the fight
Be overcome by Satan’s might
When Jesus Christ, at God’s right hand
Can give the power that we may stand
And conquer too?
Since the cross He calmly bore
And rose again to die no more
Shall we, who follow in His train
From that same pathway turn again
Because it means the bitter cup
The very dregs to drink quite up
And loneliness?
Since the veil was rent in twain
When Jesus Christ bore sin’s dark stain
Shall we neglect the Throne of Grace
Where strength is found to run the race
Whilst He our Priest there intercedes
And daily pleads the sinners needs
That all may come?
The Lord is my helper
The Lord is My Helper
May 4th 1915
No path too dark for Christ to shed
A radiance bright and clear
His sheep are by Him safely led
The Shepherd’s voice they hear.
No foe too fierce for Christ to meet
Which may beset us here
His foes will soon in haste retreat
Whenever He comes near.
No foe too fierce for Christ to meet
And saints the Victor know
From Him they soon in haste retreat
That mighty Name they fear.
No pain too sharp for Him to feel
Who intercedes above
And those who to His footstool kneel
Know something of His love.
No load too hard for Christ to bear
He gives His saints release
No trouble which he cannot share
He gives a perfect peace.
The European War
The European War
June 14 1915 (12.0 p.m.)
Lord Jesus Christ, the Same
We call upon Thy Name
For mercy great
Bid this great conflict cease
Give Universal peace
By Thy strong Hand release
The grip of hate.
Our Advocate with God
Thou hast the winepress trod
At Calvary
May Nations fear Thy Name
Be righteousness their aim
Put all Thy foes to shame
Give liberty.
Thou art the Son of Love
The stain of war remove
By Thine own blood
Lead to repentance now
All knees to Thee must bow
Nor faith can question how
Thou workest good.
As King of kings supreme
Foes are not what they seem
Of Lords the Lord
Our prayer of faith repeat
Whilst at Thy Mercy Seat
All foes beneath Thy feet
And sheathed the sword.
Barabbas or Jesus
Barabbas or Jesus
(After preparing a message
on St Luke 23. 20 & 24)
Sept 4th 1915
“Away with this man” I hear the world say
“Give us Barabbas,” the murderer to-day.
Midst the great tumult and for such a throng
Pilate released Him, conscious of wrong.
CHORUS: “Barabbas or Jesus? To gain or to lose
“So Great salvation,” which one will ye choose
“You must give your verdict, you must bow the knee;
“Barabbas or Jesus? Whom shall it be?
Into the judgement hall Jesus Christ came
Led by His enemies - hatred aflame.
Falsely accused, He patiently stood
Submissive and calm, whilst sealing His blood.
or Judas betraying, shed innocent blood.
But did they forever put Jesus away
Who promised so often to rise the third day?
Nay, nay, this same Jesus to-day intercedes;
For sinners unworthy His precious blood pleads.
As Sinbearer and Saviour, before you He stands
The marks of the cross in His piercéd hands.
You must give your verdict, you must bow the knee,
“Barabbas or Jesus?” - Now, whom shall it be?
A Testimony
A Testimony
June 11th 15.
I am a sinner “saved by grace,”
Nor of myself could I retrace
The path which I have trod.
No merits of my own to plead
When in my heart I felt the need
Of Christ, the Son of God.
None righteous, “no not one” my cry
Nor works of righteousness could buy
The pardon of my soul
Jesus Christ, the sinners plea
He died for all - He died for me
His blood has made me whole
When I thus passed from death to life
(From here written on the 18th Sept 1926)
From bondage, darkness, sin and strife
It was through Christ the Lord.
By His own blood and risen power
He cleansed and pardoned in the hour
That I believed His Word
Born from above, regenerate,
Loosened from my lost estate
And justified
A child of God assuredly
And bound to Him eternally
By Christ Who died.
Jan 1916
Jan 1916
Living for Jesus every day
Walking with Him the narrow way
Trusting in Him when doubt and care
Would come along to hinder prayer
Meeting each trial with faith in God
Jesus Glorified
Jesus Glorified
Jan. 10, 16
Exalted now upon Thy Throne
Is Jesus Christ the Lord
Around the throne His glory shines
From Him proceeds a sword
It wounds, it heals, it pierces through
Discerning every thought
And never will to Him return
Unless some fruit is brought
In wondrous Love He speaks to all
Convicting men of sin
The Holy Ghost. The Comforter
Now seeks to enter in
Whosoever will may come
The sinfulest He loves
And patiently, in mercy, too
The heart of stone He moves
Oh, Gracious God, Thy Holy Name
Let every saint adore
Through Jesus Christ Thine Only Son
Who is and was before
To Thee the Father and the Son
The Holy Spirit too
Be glory now and evermore
The lasting ages through
Jan 2nd 16
Oh praise the Lord and read His Word
A blessing you will find
The peace of God has never failed to keep
the heart and mind
Walk in the light - by faith not sight
And ye will never fail
Though Satan seeks to hinder you with
Christ you must prevail.
Dec 7 1915
Dec. 7. 1915.
Though in the sky the clouds may form
And scatter darkening rays
I’ll lift my heart to Thee, Oh, God
In thankfulness and praise.
The clouds of sin indeed were dark
And darker could not be
When to Thee I gave no return
For love bestowed on me.
Ah more than what we know or think
In sunshine or in shade
Eye hath not seen nor ear hath heard
What wonders Thou hast made.
But Thou hast changed my night to day
And now - whate’er betide
The veil withdrawn - this is my joy
Nothing Thy face can hide.
(Text in red added by Les Sherlock as this
line was blank after the first word)
God on the throne
God On The Throne
Dec. 14. 15
As black as night the landscape oer
The angry waves and billows roar
With all its strength the wind must own
And can but teach - God on the throne
God on the throne - my theme just now
The strongest gale to Him must bow
Wars may come and wars may go
But still this wondrous truth I know
Nations may fall and rise again
Wrong against right may seem to reign
But He who bade the winds “be still”
Makes all submissive to His will.
Xmas 1915
Xmas 1915
Once again ‘tis Christmas time
The Gospel Bells so sweetly chime
The message of God’s peace
Jesus Christ the Saviour came
Embodied in a mortal frame
The captives to release.
Rejoice ye saints of His, rejoice
Praise Him with heart and mind and voice
The Prince of Peace is He
Oh, happy day when Christ was born
And happier still the day to dawn
When we His Face shall see
The Holy Child Jesus
The Holy Child Jesus
Jan 15. 16
Hail, Child of Joy, come in the midst
A sinful world to bless
Through Thee the sinner may receive
A robe of righteousness
Of women’s seed the promise came
Though through Eve came the fall
And highly favoured of the Lord
Was Mary among all
'Twas in the manger where they laid
The Saviour, Jesus Christ
With God throughout His ministry
A never-broken tryst
Oh, wondrous gift, Thou God of Love
Thine only Son to give
Uplifted was the Spotless Lamb
For man to look and live
He, on the third day rose again
Triumphant o’er the tomb
From Cross to Crown - now glorified
That hour to Him has come.
Jan 18 16
Jan 18, 16
Strength of mind and heart and will
Jesus Christ in me fulfil
All Thy purposes of grace
Let me see Thy wondrous face
Thou Who once was crucified
Who for me has bled and died.
Let me lean upon Thy breast
In Thy Holy presence rest
Teach me daily how to live
Help me always to forgive
More of Thy wondrous love to know
And in Thy holy grace to grow
In the sinners heart begin
Conquering the power of sin
Smite the fetters which would bind
Cast out demons – every kind
Glory, praise, eternally
To the Holy Trinity
Three in One and One in Three
Honour, praise and glory be
Given to Thee eternally.
Jan 24th 1916
JAN. 24th? 1916
Perplexed and tried - oft turned aside;
By Satan sorely pressed
The cares of life – the anxious strife
And with the mind distressed
Jesus remains the Same
When in deep grief we find no relief
With nothing the heart to cheer
Walking along, without a song
And faith gives place to fear
Jesus remains the Same
Trust in the Lord – believe His Word
He never will forsake
Walk in the light – by faith not sight
Jesus remains the Same
The years roll on – fast sinks the sun
Of life’s resplendent morn
But watch and pray, the golden day
Upon our souls will dawn
Jesus remains the Same
Jan 25th 1916
Jan 25th 1916
The Name of Jesus
Exalt the Name of Jesus – go tell it ev’rywhere
The sinners Friend is Jesus, they may His victory share
The sweetest Name is Jesus – none greater is there known
And to His Name the angels, give praise around the throne.
Exalt the Name of Jesus, and never be afraid
When Satan comes to tempt you – Jesus the ransom paid
For in the Name of Jesus a sure defence have you
And in the fight for Jesus that Name alone will do.
Exalt the Name of Jesus, and use it as a sword
The greatest Name is Jesus – He is the risen Lord.
Go in the strength of Jesus – be not a trembling soul
Keep looking unto Jesus – on Him your fears roll.
Sept 6th Peace in war
Sept 6th Peace in time of War
Thou Prince of Peace Thou Rightful Heir
To every human heart
In righteousness the nations rule
Bid war and strife depart.
June 20th 1916
June 20th 1916
Go on in grace, go on in love
Go on – attain the heights above
The Heavenly Places now your home
The Wilderness no longer roam.
Would hindrances your course impede
He lives; He lives to intercede
Be still and know that I am God
Who can resist you – onward plod.
Go on in knowledge, wisdom too
The gifts and graces brought to you
Go on in humbleness of mind
Be faithful, loving, gentle, kind.
Go on to know the Father, Son
The Holy Spirit – three in One
Beloved saints how blessed are we
Joined to the Holy Trinity.
Sept 21st 1916
Sept 21st 1916
(Early hours of Thursday morning)
Show me Thy face Lord Jesus, one sight would be enough
To quicken every footstep, just where the path is rough
To hear Thy voice, Lord Jesus, say what must I do next
I answer every question when I am most perplexed.
To know Thy will, Lord Jesus, for me life’s journey through
To do, not only know it, nor deem it hard to do.
Enable me, Lord Jesus, according to Thy Word
In every look and action, acknowledge Thee as Lord.
To see, to hear, to know Thee, continually to pray
More fully to possess Thee – the Life, the Truth, the Way.
To dwell with Thee Lord Jesus – Thy wondrous face to see,
Beholding all Thy glory for all eternity.
Nov 13th 1926
Nov. 13th 1926
How deep unfathomed yet O Lord
Thy love to sinful man
The heighth, the length, the breadth may we
This mighty ocean span
Thy precious love we know in part
But shall know perfectly
Thy Holy Spirit giveth light
And love progressively
We live by love, Thy love alone
This precious grace unseal
May we oft fellowship with Thee
Thyself to us reveal.
Thou hast redeemed us by Thy grace
Whilst in our fallen state
Our hope of immortality
Thy coming we await
Lead us in Thy love our Light
Best Spirit Heavenly Dove
O’ershadow us until we reach
Jerusalem above.
The Second Coming
How great the glory God has given
To saints who have in Jesus risen
No more to die!
Caught up to be with Christ the Lord
Triumphant through the Living Word
They reign on high
No heart can possibly conceive
The bliss which they will then receive
Yet by the Spirit they are shown
The truth in part but in the Throne
Shall know fully.
This blessed hope they now await
Of coming to Immortal State
In ecstasy
God’s nature which they have received
Shall then be manifest indeed
The life in Adam they forsake
And clothing of the Spirit take
Of righteousness
Of these the Christ is not ashamed
The Holy One, and by Him named
In holiness
Our Lord Who died on Calvary
The travail of His soul shall see
Quite satisfied
The saints enthroned with Him shall reign
God’s image lost be once again
Composed on
Dec. 19th 25
The sun will never set in Summerland;
No eyes with tears are wet in Summerland;
No shade of dark’ning night
Will shut the view from sight
Nor e’er becloud the light, in Summerland.
No one will lose the way in Summerland;
Nor ever go astray in Summerland;
No mountain hard to climb,
Yet all is grand, sublime,
With endless summer-clime, in Summerland.
No death is ever known in Summerland;
For life is on the throne in Summerland;
No mourning for the dead,
No heavy hearts like lead,
But endless joy instead in, Summerland.
What are these arrayed
Composed Nov. 15th 26 after conflict
See the mighty heavenly throng
Singing the triumphant song
They have come through trials sore
The Lamb of God they now adore
Through the darkness of the night
They have come with robes washed white
How they love the Lamb of God
In His footsteps they have trod
By the Word, and Jesu’s blood
They have Satan’s power withstood
Great tribulation they came through
By their testimony true.
Happy, glorified they are
Worthy of the Morning Star
With the Lamb they are at rest
In His righteousness are blest
They have fought a noble fight
Dwelling in eternal light.
God Incarnate
Composed on Nov. 29th 25 after
a season of worship & prayer
God Incarnate – marvellous thing
Angels and men in triumph sing
His glory which has been concealed
To mortal man is now revealed
In flesh God’s Son was manifest
Both sin and Satan to contest
O’er the Tempter Adam failed
But Jesus Christ our Lord prevailed
‘Twas sin that brought the curse on all
Mankind is ruined by the Fall
Jesus the sin of man abhorred
And died that He should be restored
Adam’s race through sin now defiled
By Jesus Christ is reconciled
Though lost to God in sinful state
His nature can appropriate
Man of Sorrows, ah! Worthy Name
What condescension, suffering, shame
The Christ of God in Saviourhood
A victim and a victor stood.
God’s promise and redeeming plan
He has in love revealed to man
His covenant He will not break
A new creation He will make.
The Lord is King
Composed on Feb. 6th 1915
The Lord is King, O praise His Holy Name
The Lord is King, every day the same
Praise His Name, O praise His Name
Praise him, praise Him, praise His Name
Praise His Name, my soul is filled with praise
Praise His Name, loud hallelujahs raise
Praise His Name, O praise His Name
Praise him, praise Him, praise His Name
Praise His Name, rejoice the Lord is King
Praise His Name, your heart’s glad tribute bring
Praise His Name, O praise His Name
Praise him, praise Him, praise His Name
God is Love
Composed Sept. 3rd 1926
God is Love by Name and nature
Sinners lost in Him may dwell
This stupendous revelation
Is in Christ, to mortals tell
God is Love, ‘tis love that covers
All the stains that sin has made
By the sacrifice of Jesus
Was the debt of sinners paid
God is Love, His life imparting
Unto all who come Love’s way
Sin confessing, sin forsaking
Cleansed by blood and put away
God is Love and those who loveth
His dear Son, in love shall be
With the Father with the Spirit
Yea with Holy Trinity
(Three in One and One in Three)
God is Love the lost creation
By the blood of Christ is bought
And through love a new creation
In the Christ is being wrought
God is Love Himself revealing
In the Christ – as potentate
Yet humility unveiling
Came in flesh – God Incarnate
Or as this:
God is Love Himself revealing
In the Christ – God Incarnate
Great humility unveiling
Of the Lord God – potentate
The Precious Word of God
Composed Dec. 12th 1925
(whilst in trial of faith – one of the children ill)
How rich and pure the Word of God
In essence ‘tis God’s grace
And in the lives of all His saints
It has the choicest place.
O taste and see how good it is
This manna from above
And this who eat, yea, only they
Know something of God’s love.
Eternal life its Holy Fruit
This Tree in Eden grown
The seeds of which the Holy Ghost
In human hearts have sown.
The fruit of righteousness it yields
In graces does abound
It maketh manifest God’s life
When sown in fertile ground.
The Father, Son, and Holy Ghost
These three with one accord
To bring man from his lost estate
Send forth the quickening word.
Christ the fountain of grace
Composed Nov. 13th 1926
There is a stream of grace divine
Eternal treasure which is mine
‘Tis in the Christ of God Who came
In human form not seeking fame
Who came the life of God to give
That man may in God’s nature live
What blessing in this Fountain pure
The leprosy of sin to cure
To sanctify, create anew
Which man himself could never do
The blood of Christ cleanses from sin
The Word of God is light within
It ever flows to meet the need
Of sinful man, by God decreed
God’s gift to us of righteousness
The Fountain of His holiness
That God through Christ may have the praise
Who is and was Ancient of Days
(or) Acknowledge Him in all our ways
Thou Christ Divine Thou Holy One
Immanuel, God’s only Son
The Holy Trinity we see
Wholly personified in Thee
May we Thy promises believe
That we Thy nature may receive
Gods Lamb
Composed Nov. 13th 1926
God’s Lamb was on the Altar laid
The debt of sin has now been paid
A Substitute, a Sacrifice
Jesu’s own blood, redemption’s price
Condemned He stood in Pilate’s Hall
The Saviour, crucified for all
Now sinners may be justified
As justice has been satisfied
Look yonder to the curséd tree
Thy Saviour bound to set thee free
His wounds for ever strongly plead
Thy pardon, and to God they lead
Peace through the blood from God obtain
Be reconciled and born again
Of this He will your heart assure
If you will come through Christ the Door.
Confess your sins, be not ashamed
You are a sinner by Him named
The Book of Life will then record
Eternal Life as your reward.
The Lordship of Christ
Composed Nov. 16, 1926
O Lord Thou art exalted now, the
King of kings Thy Name
Thy Sovereign Rulership o’er all Thy
heralds do proclaim
Worthy to come, none else was found to
take the sinners place
Thou Who created, didst redeem mankind
by Thine Own grace
What condescension Thou hast shown to
leave Thy Father’s Throne
To be with sin identified, the love of God
make known.
That Thou shouldst take the sinners place
Who sinned not nor reviled
And take upon Thyself mans’ sin, man to be
Thou Saviour, Priest, and Lord of Light, the
Light of man to be
Shall man discard Thy worthiness to rule
Thou Who hast conquered sin and death
Whose precious blood was shed
Shall we Thy creatures Thee disown, now
risen from the dead.
Thy love is manifest to all, vile creatures
lost to win.
And bring to God in pure estate, redeeming
us from sin
To Thee the Lamb of God once slain, shall
nations, kindreds, tongues
Bring worship, honour, praise and love, to
Whom all praise belongs.
Give honour to the Lamb
Composed Nov. 17 and 19th 1926
Give honour to the Lamb thy praises to Him bring
Who is the Lord of life, Who is both Priest and King
Come worship at His Feet, His Holy Name to bless
And follow Him the Light in paths of righteousness
Give honour to the Lamb in Him God’s Love concealed
But in the flesh He came that it should be revealed
To suffer and to die into the world He came
His messengers are sent the Gospel to proclaim.
Give honour to the Lamb, sin’s wounds by Him are healed
For His own blood was shed, His worthiness is sealed
The crown of thorns He wore, the path of death He trod
And by His victory has brought us back to God.
Give honour to the Lamb, Who now is on the Throne
As Saviour and as Judge, His Lordship all must own
No longer now is hid the mystery from man
For He the knowledge gives, or God’s redemptive plan.
(gospel brought)
Give honour to the Lamb, ye nations, kindreds, all
Salvation now receive, obey the gospel call
The good news of His grace, your fetters to release
Pardon and peace to give, from Christ the Prince of Peace.
The Wisdom of God in Redemption
What wisdom, Lord, Thou hast displayed
In Thy redemption plan!
The wonders of Thy love and grace
Who can this ocean span?
That Thou the evil should create
And all the darkness form
To make the clouds Thy chariot
And ride upon the storm
That they subservient should be
Unto Thy perfect will,
To speak and make the storm to cease,
The raging winds to still.
Thus teaching man, who has transgressed
That Thou alone dost reign
And will, and love and grace restore
Thine image once again.
Man lost to Thee in sin and death,
By nature separate,
The evil Thou Thyself subdued
And dost regenerate.
Composed Nov. 19 + 27th 1926
The Influence and work of Holy Spiritt
Gracious Spirit, Heavenly Guide
Diffuse Thy Holy Light
Come to us, the truth reveal
Jesus, the Infinite
Thou who bringest light of God
We will at Thy behest
Walk by faith in light received
Unto Eternal Rest.
Thou the Blessed Comforter
‘Neath Thy panoply
We from evil shall be kept
In Thy purity
Shed abroad the love of God
Until we are aflame
Then shall rise our gratitude
(Then shall we respond in praise)
To the Saviour’s Name
Thou the Loving Supreme Guest
Thy temples enter in.
God’s own nature to impart
Destroying inbred sin.
Composed Nov. 27th 1926
* Thou hast come all gifts to bring
Tongues to worship Thee
Faith and miracles of grace
Healing, prophecy.
* This verse may come in for another hymn.
Buried with Christ in baptism
Come follow thy Saviour Jesus Christ
For thee He was crucified
Go through the waters, obey His voice
Thy King, thy Pattern and Guide
He has redeemed you with His own blood
Ye are no longer your own
Take up thy cross, be dead unto sin
This is the way to the throne
He that believeth and is baptised
Shall his salvation receive
This is the gospel, those who obey
Are those who truly believe
Buried with him in waters of death
To put off the nature of sin
To make manifest the life of Christ
By His Spirit which dwells within
We are the members, the Church beloved
Now risen from the dead
Immersed in the waters of baptism
Joined unto Christ the Head.
Composed Nov. 28.26.
I will bless the Lord at all times
Composed Nov. 9th 26.
I will bless Thee, O Lord, for Thy love and Thy life
I will bless Thee for victory in conflict and strife
I will bless Thee for grace which Thou givest Thine own
I will bless Thee for light which is shed from Thy throne
I will bless Thee, O Lord, for the cross Thou endured
I will bless Thee for pardon Thy blood has secured
I will bless Thee for peace Thou hast given to me
I will bless Thee for joy, my soul in victory
I will bless Thee, O Lord, Thou art gracious and kind
I will bless Thee, Thou camest the lost sheep to find
I will bless Thee my night is now turned into day
I will bless Thee Thy mercy shall follow me always
Jesus All in all
Jesus has conquered, though was crucified
He Who was humbled is now glorified
Jesus our Saviour, risen from the grave
Unto the uttermost able to save
Jesus has loved us, and loosed us from sin
All who believe may the victory win
Not for the righteous but for sinners lost
He came, the Victor, vanquished Satan’s host
Jesus our Great High Priest, now intercedes
His blood is our peace and our pardon pleads
There at the throne of grace waiting to bless
Covering the sinner with His righteousness
Jesus our Lord and King, coming again
His saints, the kings and priests, with Him to reign
They shall His glory bear, dwelling in love
In New Jerusalem, Eden above
Composed Nov. 28, 26.
How excellent is Thy Name
How excellent is Thy Name O Lord
In all the earth its praise
Thousands of thousands now redeemed
Loud hallelujahs raise
Thy Name as ointment is poured forth
A remedy for sin
The evil in our nature dies
When Thou dost dwell within
The Shepherd (Good Samaritan)
This Name Thou didst reveal
Who came to sinners stricken down
Thy creatures wounds to heal
Thy Name a banner has become
And mighty as Thy Hand
Jehovah-nissi is a shield
Which no foe can withstand
The Name which conquers sin and death
O’er all exalted high
Which brought salvation to mankind
And makes the demons fly
We praise Thy Name, Lord Jesus Christ
A righteous robe we wear
Since by Thy blood now justified
Its virtues to declare
Composed Nov. 28th 26
Into the Holiest
Way into the holiest, Thou, Lord Jesus Christ
Adam’s race is called from the broken tryst
Unto God the Father by Thy precious blood
To receive forgiveness through Thy Saviourhood.
Thou the Living Waters, Fountain of God’s grace
All-Sufficient Saviour for a sinful race
Nothing now to hinder from Salvation’s well
Barriers all broken, sin and death and Hell
Now by faith we enter, without fear or dread;
Thou the Mighty Saviour, risen from the dead.
Interceding for us by Thy righteousness,
Shed Thy blood, a ransom, for our happiness.
We, with joy, may worship, in humility,
Thou who art so holy, clothed with majesty.
Unto Thee for ever, we our praise shall bring,
Thou our only Saviour, Prophet, Priest and King.
Composed after precious
Fellowship with the Lord, Dec. 1.1926
Ive read my title clear
Nov. 18th 1932
5 o’clock a.m.
I’ve read my title clear
No mists at all arise
Christ’s Name is far too dear
This all to me supplies.
But what the Title then,
To which I do refer
Why, surely it is Heaven
I know I shall go there.
For Christ from Heaven came
Though His own blood it cost
A Sacrifice became
He has redeemed the lost
What now can stand between
To Go I am made nigh
To Calvary Christ has been
Who can my hope deny?
A pardon I’ve obtained
And peace within my heart
In this there is contained
The evidence in part.
But is this all to seal
The certainty of this?
He nothing will conceal
Of all the promised bliss
What is there then beside
This hope so sure within
Of God’s eternity
And freedom from all sin
Why, there is righteousness
By death, which Jesus gave
A Glorious Heavenly Dress
For all He came to save
Gods Sovereignty
Sun. Nov. 20th 1932
4.30 a.m.
No speculation here must we continue to make of God
To Him belongs all men and things – He holds the ruling rod.
Who doubts but what the Lord Who made the earth with all its store
Can, unto all, supply the needs – ah! this, and even more!
This, then, is providence, of which the people make conjecture
Concerning Him Who rules above; concerning all their future.
Within the bounds of reason, God by man cannot be known.
This light is His pre-rogative, Who reigns upon the throne.
He wills and works and who can stay the Hand which is Divine
His skill and wisdom who can search so fathomless a mine?
Behind creation He doth move within and all around
No matter what we see and touch something of God is found.
But how much more, to saints who hold the Name of God in fear
Does He reveal Omnipotence in all that does appear
They see upon the flowers of earth, upon the stars that shine
Inanimate or animate, Life with His Secret Sign.
This sign is written by His Hand though none can see and read
Creation is a mystery, the light of which we need.
This light from God men still refuse, and Science they prefer
Without God’s Spirit, Who alone, is God’s Interpreter.
The Blessings of Redemption
Dec.7th 32
(Early hours – completed later in day)
What blessings the human race, from God Himself has come
The preciousness of Grace in Christ, is given to all, not some!
Though some despise, yet all may have since Christ has died for all
For Satan’s head is crushed and bruised, as promised by the fall.
The curse our Savour has removed, on Him our sin was laid
His love for man, His blood has sealed, Redemption’s price He paid
Where darkness reigns His light is shed and souls from bondage come
Out from the prison house of sin, unto their Father’s home.
He lives Who died, and now is set at God’s Right Hand above;
And there, for sinners, intercedes, the very Lord of Love.
His blood so efficacious speaks before the throne of light
He clothes the contrite sinner, too, with linen, clean and white.
With this, the righteous robe, he too, enters the Holy Place,
And there in sweet communion, worships the God of Grace.
With food convenient he is fed, the heavenly meat and wine
From thence goes forth with quickened love, girded with strength Divine.
Dec 14th 1932
Dec. 14th 1932 (4 a.m.)
O Light of God, to men in sin, Who suffered on the Tree,
How great Thy Name, Emmanuel, how great Thy Deity!
Both Human and Divine combined, from death to life to bring
The whole of lost humanity, redeeming from Death’s sting.
How great the Fall to separate the Chief of Thy delight
Of all creation, Adam was most precious in Thy sight!
Yea, great the Fall, and great the Curse, but greater still Thy love
To give Thy Son, man to redeem, the Holy Heavenly Dove.
Gods Unspeakable Gift
Jan 3rd 1933 “God’s Unspeakable Gift”
The Gift of God, who can explain, the grace that came to man:
When Christ was born at Bethlehem, truly no mortal can!
The Godhead with the human joined the Greatest Mystery,
To lift a lost and ruined race, combined the Trinity!
They with one purpose all agreed, that this great Act be done
To reconciliate the world, from Heaven to send the Son
Who should be born and Who should die, and thus propitiate-,
A Sacrifice to move all guilt, to save, to recreate.
An image new to give to man, a life which has no sin,
A life of holiness and joy – ‘A Paradise within:’
The fruit of which in Christ appear the Spirit from above
To dwell in all the sons of God – the fruit of which is love.
What glory then as well as grace, God’s gift to man bestows
What beauty in the Corn of Wheat that in God’s garden grows!
For in the Garden of God’s grace e’en in this world appeared
The Firstfruit which by God Himself, above all sin was reared.
Should we not praise God for this work, which here on earth we see
And marvel that in Christ we are the sons of God to be
Made manifest whilst in this world and then before Thy Throne
Divested from our sinnership to know as we are known
Nor shall the angels who with joy do now sing forth His praise
Be able with the arms of men this song of love to raise
Of God’s redeeming grace and power to them in lost estate
From sin and death their souls to save, by Sacrifice so Great.
It is for us then, to employ our time and talents, too
For Christ has given Himself, His all Redemption’s work to do
He purchased us His own to be, that we God’s will shall know
And serve, and worship Him alone, whilst here on earth below.
Composed Wednesday Jan 4th
Composed Wednesday Jan 4th 1933 after
Meditation on the sufferings of God’s children in this world
Amidst the tumults of this life, its storms, its darknesses
There is a calm, a glorious light, which knows no restlessness
It is from God, it is by grace, it comes to those who trust
‘Tis given as an anchorage, by faith unto the just!
Their peace is sure; their peace is deep; ‘tis fortified by love –
The strongest guard, that nought can break, beneath them and above.
For what is greater than God’s love, or stronger than His Arm?
He rules the raging of the sea – He speaks and there is calm!
No cloud, nor sorrow, sin or pain, can break His promise given
Through Christ His Son, by seal of blood, who’s Hands by nails were riven
He holds the keys of Death and Hell since Satan He hath bound
And saints, midst all the restlessness, a resting place hath found.
A place, which is a sweet repose until earth’s conflicts cease
Within the Cleft of Christ the Rock of Refuge and Release
From sin and Satan and the world the enemies to grace
Until in Christ’s Own Image formed, until they see His Face.
Composed February 1st 1933
Composed February 1st 1933
We take the blame not Thee, O Christ, for we have sinned and Thou hast not
The cross was Thine, our nature too, our sin and name – the darkest blot.
The debt is ours – the debt we owe, acknowledge we our guilt and shame
Thy love has cleared; Thy love has saved, homage is due to Thy blest Name
Undone we are, undone we were, for Adam failed – his sin we share.
No merits we, Thy grace alone – the crown of thorns which Thou didst wear.
‘Tis what Thou art, not what we are
That gives us place before Thy Throne
What Thou hast given we do accept
A Righteousness Thy very own.
Sinners we are; the blame is ours; and from sin’s sting was no respite
Till Thou didst come; till Thou didst die the grievous wrong was not put right
We must confess, we must submit, to grace and love that healed our sore
To Thee, blest Christ; Thy sacrifice, to Thee for Heaven’s Open Door.
Composed February 9th 1933
Composed February 9th 1933
(whilst in a tight corner circumstantially)
Tight corners come to most of folk, but this we know who dare
Enter in the life of faith are sure to have their share
They come, but oh! to meet them, nay, Who can this mystery solve
Tis not by hook or crook, or brains, this does God’s grace involve.
For God Himself doth play a part in all affairs of men.
Nor will the children of His care be left in Satan’s den.
No trap, nor snare, device or plot that could originate
By Lucifer, the Skilled Arch-fiend, can foil God’s Potentate!
What must we do then when these things do aggravate us so
When all is black adversity and waves of trouble flow?
What can we do when we’ve done all to make the way more bright
And stood the tests courageously when in the fiercest fight?
There is one answer – one alone – this answer must suffice
God still is Sovereign, and He calls to greatest sacrifice!
The fact that He once gave His Son to die upon the Cross
That we might gain what was indeed to Him the Greatest Loss.
The proof sufficient that He cares and knows our deepest need
Shall not the God Who made the world His children clothe and feed?
This is the lesson then to learn, for children of His grace
That in the tightest corner test – there we may see His Face.
The Tight Corner Test
Feb. 9. 1933
The tightest corner of my life was when outside of grace
It dawned upon me that I must the God of Judgment face
Nor could I see how I could clear myself of all the guilt
That stood against me, though I knew Christ’s precious blood was spilt.
Therefore did I with terror think of that Great Judgement Day
When God should prove and punish sin and cast my soul away
E’en to that place which is called Hell, where evil is aflame
Where Satan and his angels are – and all who bear his name.
The awfulness of such a state I surely did believe
Would be my lot should I persist the God of Love to grieve;
There thoughts, I say, would come and go, of dark Eternity
Nor could I drive these thoughts away – ‘twas God Who cornered me.
And face to face with God I wailed, that I a sinner stood
Not knowing that He reconciled with Jesu’s precious blood.
‘Twas then I saw Him with a frown with hand outstretched to smite
No mercy could I see as yet – I wished to take my flight
To realms unknown, where God was not, where God invisible
No longer thus would trouble me, and be as terrible!
But then, thought I, where is the place that God cannot be found
For this great universe is His – ‘tis His created ground.
So reason failed to give relief, and satisfy desire
To be forever free from God – my soul was in the mire
And rest, I could not, rest had fled, it now became a fight
With God and self for mastery; with darkness and with light.
Conviction God Himself had given of sin, of death, of Hell;
Satan himself tormented me of this I knew quite well
Then did I feel my need of grace, and of God’s Spirit too
In such a dark and dreadful state I knew not what to do.
And from my heart a sign and prayer burst forth with anguish deep
That God would hasten to forgive and me from judgement keep
Nor was the sigh and prayer unheard, for God’s assurance came,
Which brought the peace into my soul, and now I praise His Name!
Christ rejected by men
Composed Feb 10th 1933
He stands rejected, He Who made the world and all therein
The Lord of all the Least became – and that because of sin.
A Servant, yea a Sacrifice, the Lowest of the low
To reach and bless, to shed His light, salvation to bestow.
But why should He rejected be, Who has the sovereign right
To turn again man to the dust – will man the Saviour fight?
And yet He dares in face of this Christ’s holy Name to mar,
He chooses death instead of life – nor fears the Judgement Bar!
All hail! Thou Blest Anointed One, Who suffers all the shame
And ignominy of the cross, to glorify Thy Name.
Who suffered men to buffet Thee, to spit upon Thy Face;
All this Thou didst in love to man, revealing matchless grace.
Why didst Thou die? Why didst Thou bear the sin which was not Thine?
Why didst Thou come as Man, though God, Thy nature to assign?
And suffer at the creatures hands Whose hands the creature made,
Indebted also man to Thee, yet Thou his debt has paid!
This fact of all beyond our ken, to bear a love like this:
To fight and conquer hatred, death – the Prodigal to kiss
To woo and win what Thou hadst lost, when man by sin didst stray,
And bring the Fallen Adam Race back to Eternal Day.
Surely the wrath of man shall praise the God whom he denied
His hands shall seal the Sacrifice – the Saviour crucified.
Though he disowned the ownership, which Christ Himself doth claim,
Yet he shall kneel to honour Him, his tongue shall praise His Name.
The Sparrow
MAR. 2nd 1933
The Sparrow, on the housetop see,
A common bird of birds to be;
Intended, by our God, to teach
That we are all within His reach
And loving tender care.
For of such, He has said (though small)
That He doth see them when they fall.
If God, such notice of them take
Much less would He His child forsake
Or unprotected leave.
By some the sparrow, sure hath been
Despised, and looked upon as mean.
This may be so but God hath sealed
Provision for them, and revealed
The Truth of His love to man.
He loves the creatures He has made:
With beauty each and all arrayed;
They speak to man to praise his God
For praise is silent ‘neath the sod –
On earth they sing His praise.
No barn or storehouse do they own,
But God, who feeds them, He hath shown
That they all trust Him day to day
To give them food whilst they shall stay
By their songs they give thanks.
A Prayer
MAR. 14 1933
O Lord,
Help me to see Thy will to-day,
And willing be to go Thy way;
Thy way unknown, but which to prove
The way of grace, the way of love.
Unto Thy child
Now reconciled.
O Lord,
My Lord Thou art, my Saviour Friend,
Thyself impart, the Way, the End;
The Alpha, Omega, the Christ,
In Thee there is no broken tryst
The Very Deity
O Lord,
Thy Name to spell, Thy Name to know
And others tell, and others show
The truth of Thy blest Cross
Thy suffering, anguish loss
Thy holy blood
Thy Saviourhood
O Lord,
In Sinful Dress Thou didst appear,
Thy Righteousness for us to wear.
Our nature, guilt, identified
At Calvary, as Adam died
Thy life to give
That we might live.
The Wisdom of Gods Salvation
Composed Dec. 18th 1933
By richer far, if all be loss, if earthly loss it be,
Than lose the riches of God’s Gift for all eternity!
The Greatest Gift of Christ to men, the Gift which came by grace,
Is more despised than valued by a fallen, sinful race.
What blindness, ignorance and doubt, to keep men from God’s Best
From things Divine, from righteousness, and from Eternal Rest!
This need not be whilst light is shed from God the Father’s Throne
And from the Cross of Calvary by which His love is known.
How slow man is not to perceive the value of his soul,
And what salvation really is – Eternal Life its goal!
And what it cost for Christ to come to die upon the cross.
He gave up all for man to gain, and not to suffer loss.
What shall man give, or what exchange, for that which God created
For if he gain the whole world, and not be reinstated
Through Christ’s atoning sacrifice, to grace and life Divine,
He will indeed the loser be, to Death his soul assign.
To mortal man then, this the word that God sends by His Son
Repent, believe the Gospel now, and put your feet upon
A firm foundation, not on sand, for wisdom doth provide;
The Heavenly Gates, by Christ Himself, through Death was opened wide.
We reap what we sow
Composed Dec. 12th 1933
We reap whate’er we sow in life,
Be it in love, in peace, or strife!
Truly, we reap whate’er we sow,
And what we sow is sure to grow;
‘Tis like the wages that we earn
For work we do – a sure return!
And what we gain is truly loss
If we ignore the Saviour’s cross
Who died that He our lives should claim
And we by grace honour His Name.
“Life’s little day:
What did you say,
Flitter away?
Life’s purpose shorn,
Your soul forlorn?
Nay, Nay, just pause
And think – because
Of issues great
Why do you stray
from God’s pure way
And never pray
For light to come
Feb 21 35
Feb. 21. 35.
The Light of God from Heaven shone
For Jesus came to bless
Amongst the sons of men were none
With perfect righteousness
He came to save from sin and shame
He came to give us peace
And that’s the meaning of His Name
Sin’s bondage to release
The captives are by Him set free
From darkness they are brought
The Eternal Word, our God’s decree
In human hearts hath wrought
Their natures changed their lives renewed
By grace, by love Divine
With power for service are endued
These, He hath said, are Mine
They shall His glorious Name exalt
In South, West, East and North!
On earth they are the light, the salt,
They shall His praise set forth
Who shall these witnesses disclaim,
Who can their word defy
They bear upon them Jesus’ Name,
A Name none can defy
The Church of such, by Him composed
The Church, His Body, pure
In Him their trust and faith reposed
The faith which shall endure
For time will not erase His Name
Nor yet His Church destroy
Instead, His power, it shall proclaim
And manifest its joy
Feb 21 35 2
Feb 21, 35 (2)
Behold your Guiding Star – the Christ
Reminding you of broken tryst
When Adam failed
‘Twas in the garden light serene
When sin and Satan came between
And Death assailed!
The Victories and Virtues
The Victories and Virtues of Christ to Fallen Man.
Sept 15th, 1927
O Lord Jehovah who can stand before Thy awful Throne
And not acknowledge there Thy grace a sinful race to own;
That Thou the Lord of Life declared Thyself a Man to be
And thus identified with sin, from sin to set man free.
Our Representative Thou art, this Thy redemptive right
Who loved and loosed us by Thy blood and brought us into light
As Saviour freeing from all sin, as Priest to make us nigh
We are most blessed with Thee to sit, in spheres of grace so high
We must Thy Holy Name adore, we must Thy Love confess
Who for our pardon didst prevail; become our Righteousness
In Thee a surety we have, eternal light the seal
God’s faithful Covenant of love, Thou camest to reveal
To bless us Thou didst come between the Serpent’s deadly blow,
And take the curse upon Thyself, the evil powers to show
That Thou Thyself art Sovereign Lord; that man Thou didst create
To bear Thine image and Thy life, e’en from a fallen state
All praise, Most Glorious Saviour Lord, shall all creation bring
For Thine Own glory man was made, and ev’ry living thing
And Thou art worthy, Lamb of God, for Thou didst condescend
To come in flesh, the Cross to bear, the veil of death to rend.
Booklet of Poems
The Booklet
That is all the poems written in the book; however there are two inserts. The first is this booklet, which although it has a printed cover, the text inside appears to be typewritten.
I assume it was typed onto a stencil and printed on a Gestetner Duplicating Machine, which was the only way to produce printed material at the time, other than by using a printing firm to do it from a type-set printing press.
So here are the poems:

Gods Grace Toward Mankind
God’s Grace toward Mankind in Redemption.
How deep God’s love – Redemption’s plan –
That Christ should come, the Son of Man!
What skilfulness and wisdom too,
Sin’s tightest knots He must undo.
God’s only Son He must be bound;
The Substitute for sin is found –
The Sin-Bearer, the Sacrifice –
God’s justice, too, this would suffice.
Yes, this is true, He was made sin,
Gethsemane He entered in,
And there to fight the fight for man:
Give me the reason, if you can,
Why He should die that man should live,
His precious blood for sin to give –
A costly price for sin to pay:
This debt man cannot wipe away.
But man has sinned and he must die,
Helpless, undone, he now must cry
For mercy in God’s providence –
In God he must have confidence
That yet, life’s-door would open wide,
The Door of Grace – Christ crucified.
This was the promise Adam had,
A Seed should come to make him glad –
The Saviour, Who his wounds would heal,
God’s love and nature to reveal;
He would men’s darkness turn to day,
He would Himself put sin away
And bear the shame of Adam’s race,
For sin God’s image did deface.
It could not be that God should think
So lightly of man’s sin and wink
At what the consequence would be
For time and for eternity!
Nay, nay, He must and surely did
Check, by His grace, Lucifer’s bid
To man, of knowledge, evil, good
And blessed him with the Saviourhood
Of Christ, that He should ever be
In likeness of the Deity.
Satan hath long this truth withstood,
He never would do sinners good.
What! Satan who hath brought the Fall
Of Adam and his children, all?
He who, himself, the Name of Sin,
Doubtless doth own and by it win
Man for himself a slave to be –
Adam, son of Eternity!
It is not like his nature, for
He God’s creation doth abhor.
He would not lift his hand to bless
Who challenges God’s righteousness,
Who wants himself to be the God
He who placed mankind ‘neath the sod!
Death is his name, his only will,
His work, his object to fulfil:
For this he lives his deadly life,
Distributing darkness and strife;
Robbing the world that God hath made
To put God’s glory in the shade.
But this we know is not for long,
Satan cannot evil prolong.
For God Himself has set a time
And then, all worlds will be sublime –
When he subdues the power so great
Of Satan and man’s lost estate –
Then shall the Serpent own defeat,
He has forever lost his seat
In God’s own purpose – Eden now
Has none who to this fiend will bow
For Christ’s own Sceptre must have sway –
Satan turned out, in Hell to stay,
No more God’s love and will to fight,
No longer dim the heavenly light
From God and from His Holy Throne
Defeat forever he must own.
This story I could much prolong
Of Adam’s sin, of Adam’s wrong:
A wrong which only Christ could right,
A sin which only Christ could fight
And He did both for man and God,
Man to deliver from earth’s sod,
And God the Father to delight
By giving man, so blind, his sight;
Yea, Adam hurt himself more than
He hurt his God, Who loved His man.
But, what great joy that God restores
Fellowship sweet and so implores
Mankind to come for power and grace
To overcome what brings disgrace,
And that which is disastrous too,
Through God’s own Word – a nature new!
‘Tis only by the new birth, man
Will all the sinful pleasures ban:
The pleasures which have caused his pain,
In which, also, there is no gain.
Belonging unto sin is strife,
God counts that gain wherein is LIFE;
E’en righteousness and holiness,
In which is grace and loveliness,
Yea, Godliness, in which is all
That man possessed before the Fall.
Composed by
Clarence Bentley.
My servant Job
“My servant Job”
This is a book of mysteries
And may we with delight
Scan all its pages eagerly,
And pray to God for light.
To those who seek, He will unfold,
The truth so valuable,
Thus giving to them, for reward,
Riches unsearchable.
These riches money cannot buy,
Silver nor gold can gain,
God’s prophets to us prophesy
This knowledge comes through pain.
To keep the Word: not only hear,
Then shall the Lord direct,
Our feet in paths of righteousness,
His work of grace perfect.
He leads in paths unknown to man,
And with unerring skill,
Doth keep him in afflictions great,
To work His sovereign will.
Job does ascribe the praise to God,
The creatures small and great;
He does the fall to us unfold,
The consequence of sin;
Human depravity describes,
The evil heart within;
And many other truths we find,
Redemption, God’s great plan,
Through Christ, His Son, Eternal love,
Is thus revealed to man.
Creation, Fall, Redemption, too,
Man’s salvation vital,
Come within the book of Job,
All are most essential!
“Then Job answered the Lord and said,
Doth Job serve God for nought?” Job.1.9.
“Doth Job serve God for nought?” This
Remark and question discloses the
antagonistic purposes of Satan concerning
the claims of Jehovah upon human life and
its affairs. The following poem of
this extraordinary and beautiful
narrative in the book of Job is composed
and designed to show forth the
Sovereignty of the Lord Jehovah.
God on the throne, invisible,
Almighty, Holy Terrible!
His right of sway is here denied
But, when by love to man allied,
Can Satan take man from His grasp?
Can Satan God’s love-tie unclasp?
We must acknowledge then His right
Though Satan still God’s claims will fight.
We must the Word of God uphold,
Though trials come a thousand-fold.
For God is Just, yea Faithful He,
Unto His own Word eternally.
God’s faithfulness is questioned by
Satan, as well as the faithfulness of
Job (chap. 1. 9-11). As though the
precious blessing which Job had received
was the main cause of his fidelity, love,
and trust in God! There is the inference
(which is a slight upon the character of
God) that God could not keep Job apart
From the continual bestowal of His
Favours upon him. Also upon the
character of Job that he would no longer
trust God if these blessings and favours
were removed from him. So God purposed
to seal His truth, and the faithfulness
of His servant, by permitting Job to be
sorely tried.
Man’s hope and happiness doth lie
Beneath Jehovah’s panoply.
The fear of God doth make man wise,
Above the clouds of sin to rise.
Possessing God, Eternal Wealth,
His Law of Life a Law of Health –
How best shall we the way describe,
Of God with man of every tribe?
Now Sin and Satan doth annoy,
Which takes away from man his joy?
The mystery of godliness,
Of purity, and righteousness?
Iniquity, with all its pain?
‘Tis God alone Who can explain!
Also the strange controversy
Of Satan – man’s Adversary?
With God the Lord, the Infinite,
Sought he to usurp God’s Own Right?
Shall he the Lord of Life dethrone,
And God’s creation call his own?
Does He reject God’s sovereignty,
Who is from all Eternity?
Nay, Nay, God’s challenge he must face,
And meet man on the ground of grace!
If he the human race doth own
Then Calvary shall make it known!
“Doth Job serve God for nought?” said he,
In doubting Job’s integrity.
But more did Satan yet infer
When he to blessings did refer;
For God had kept Job night and day
Not did Job from His presence stray,
But would God Satan now deny
The faith of Job in fire to try?
Or would He let unchallenged be
The Head of all Apostasy?
To Satan, He at once gave leave,
The greatest plot he could conceive,
That Satan should God’s servant prove
In righteousness, in faith and love!
To this, also did God reply:
“He’s in thy hand, though not to die,
But save his life, this My decree,
A trophy of My grace to be!”
So, to the conflict, Job was pressed,
In great calamities distressed;
Borne down with grief, affliction, too,
Job unto God remaining true.
Blow after blow of Satan’s rod;
Still faithful Job did worship God.
The first controversy did end;
And Satan hoped to make Job bend
In unbelief to God’s own Word,
Though with his lips Job blessed the Lord.
Job manifested righteousness,
No words of curse did he express.
Again with Satan God did meet,
And with these words the Lord did greet.
(The Great Arch-Fiend, who was so nigh
To God in Princely state so high,
Until he lost his first estate,
Defying God the Potentate):
“My servant Job,” consider now,
“Will he unto thy purpose bow?
Throughout the earth thine eyes may scan;
He only is the perfect man!
None like him in the earth, not one,
In him My Light of Love hath shone!
The one who feareth God always,
Eschewing evil night and day;
He holdeth fast integrity,
Although in sore adversity!
Against him movedst thou My Hand
Though he in righteousness doth stand!”
Thus Satan, in controversy,
Was angry full of jealousy,
That God’s Own Servant did Him prove
A God of Righteousness and Love!
Then Satan said: “Yea, skin for skin,
Job keepeth true his life to win;
But, by Thy hand, touch flesh and bone
And Job no longer will Thee own!
Yea, he will curse Thee to Thy face,
And spurn Thy love, Thy truth, Thy grace!”
But Satan’s words were lies, thus proved,
For Job, though sad, was still unmoved!
My reader, here’s word for you,
Within this narrative so true,
Behold the works of God with men,
For he doth speak by voice and pen!
“Doth Job serve God for nought,” say ye,
With Lucifer, man’s Enemy?
The truth, with Job, yourself may know
That worship is not empty show;
Those who in truth doth worship God,
Shall walk the path that Job hath trod!
A path of blessing, though through pain,
The crown of righteousness to gain.
Profitable is godliness,
It bringeth peace and happiness.
Both in this life, and that to come,
The earthly and the heavenly home!
Job did not serve the Lord for nought,
For God’s Own Work of Grace was wrought.
We reap whate’er we sow in life,
The seed of evil, sin and strife;
With all its pain, and misery,
And punishment, eternally.
Or seed of love of God, so kind,
Longsuffering meekness of mind;
Its fruit of faith, of hope, of peace,
With songs of joy that never cease!
Unto ourselves, or God we live,
But He returns more than we give,
When we the Lord of Life enthrone
His choicest blessings are our own!
Did God and Satan thus agree
To put Job in such agony?
Could we the truth of this define,
So deep and unexplored a mine
Of sufferings excrucible,
Experience which was terrible!
This question therefore brings a doubt,
For Job was once so “hedged about!”
This question answered, and the next,
If we but read aright the text!
The Scripture is infallible,
Though human mind insensible
Unto God Law, and Life, and Love,
Unless the Spirit, Heavenly Dove,
Doth help us clearly understand
The providence of God’s Own Hand:
Who worketh all things for our good
The we accept His Saviourhood!
This trial came by Sovereign Right,
Because God’s Word Satan did slight
Concerning Job’s integrity,
And God’s own Grace and Sovereignty!
Composed by
Clarence Bentley.
Earths Little While
Earth’s little while will soon be o’er
And its Time-table be no more.
It is but a Meditation,
Whatever our expectation!
So, think about this
In sorrow or in bliss!
It is God’s to predestinate
And not ours to procrastinate;
So it is foolish to argue
For all will have to stand in Death’s queue
If they will or no,
From Earth they must go!
Surely then, it is worth a thought:
Life and Death in God’s Word is taught!
Whatever be the consummation
Ev’ryone is on probation
By God’s Own Decree
In His Word we see.
God is gracious and seeks our good
By man He is misunderstood,
Though in His word He makes it plain:
It is, indeed man’s greatest gain
To walk in His light,
Have spiritual sight!
Because they are eternal things,
All which the Holy Spirit brings:
The Bread of Life on which to feed,
Which, alone, meets the soul’s deep need.
Composed by
Clarence Bentley.
Time Waits for No Man
Time waits for no man – not a soul –
But presses on unto its goal
God’s Clock of Time is sure to cease
In this dark world, where is no peace.
Men give no thought at all to this
Not seek their Heavenly Father’s kiss:
Like prodigal, repenting sin,
Returned, a new life to begin.
Time, now, is ours to seek the Lord:
Heaven to lose none can afford;
Jesus, for us, opened the Door:
He died for all, – could he do more?
Now is the time for us to choose:
Decision means to gain or lose
The blessedness of Jesus’ love
Who came to earth from heaven above.
Be not foolish but be in time,
God calls to men of every clime
His grace will all men justify
Christ’s death, the bonds of sin untie.
Composed by
Clarence Bentley.
Time and Tide Tarry for no Man
The tide keeps flowing, it must move on;
And time the same, ‘til Life’s Day is gone
Upon the earth of wickedness, sin,
As you cannot alter this, begin
To think: Time leads to eternity!
Ah! What then? Have you certainty
That it is well with thy poor soul
Ere another hour or two shall roll?
For thou knowest not; God shall speak
And may take you, today, or next week!
Prepare to meet thy God! Be dressed!
See to it you have all sin confessed,
Or sin will damn your soul: close the door
Of grace upon yourself for evermore!
Time is God’s dressing room for that day
Of Judgement, which is not far away:
For life is short for all men upon earth,
And is given of God – know its worth!
Its values above material things
Because the soul can soar by faith’s wings:
To things spiritual, the things divine
Given freely, they can all be thine!
Be clothed in the robe of righteousness
Of Christ, for this is the Christian’s dress.
Rise then, from thy soul sleep: yea awake,
Angels rejoice when prodigals take
The step homewards to God, from sin,
And a life of true sonship begin;
The unity of the eternal love,
Fitting the soul for God’s courts above.
Time is a dagger, to stab the heart
Of men, when from this life they must part
With a guilty conscience, and must face
Creator-Judge of the human race,
Who hath striven with them in vain
By His Spirit, again and again!
With time we must part; with God not so;
We can live with Him above, below,
On earth in sweet communion
And in the very closest union!
This, through the grace of God made possible:
Mystical and indefinable,
And then eternally in love’s plan,
As written in the gospel for man.
O, my soul, let not God’s time beat you.
Be ready! Do what thou must do –
That which the glorious Gospel doth tell,
To save you from sin and save from hell!
All who will come to Him, He receives;
All who sincerely His word believes.
Composed by Clarence Bentley
Brevity of Time
As time is short
I know I ought
To make my peace with God.
“In death’s dark vale”
I’m sure to wail
Without Christ’s staff and Rod.
My comfort rest,
At His behest
Who makes the storm a calm:
Who says: “Be still,
Obey My will”
Satan cannot thee harm!
Yea, I will talk,
And with thee walk
In Satan’s dreadful hour;
He will thee try
And Me defy
Who has almighty power!
The Shepherd true
Will see me through
The valley which brings fear
If I confess
My sinfulness
To Jesus, Saviour dear.
He will forgive
And in me live:
I will His grace proclaim.
To heaven He’ll bring
Where I shall sing
For ever, “Praise His Name.”
Then I must haste
And no time waste
That I might ready be
For that great day
When He shall say
“Enter Eternity.”
How merciful
And bountiful
Is Jesus’ Sov’reign grace:
His gospel call
To one and all
Of Adam’s fallen race.
And that He should
My Saviourhood
Redeem from death and sin;
He died for me
At Calvary
My precious soul to win.
Composed by
Clarence Bentley.
Where will you spend eternity
Time doth speed along, or so it seems;
Men remain unconscious and in dreams.
Of the great purposes for which they live,
For God, Heaven, do not much thought give.
They while away the time in which to earn
God’s rich blessing, and from Christ to learn:
Their teacher, Saviour, Lord, Great High Priest,
The greatest value, truth they count the least.
For things of time and sense they aspire,
Not the spiritual which their souls require:
For this world’s goods and treasures to gain
They use their time and talents and brain.
Life is brief and cometh to an end,
So purposeless without the Saviour-Friend,
Who came on earth to save humanity
And give sure hope of blest Eternity.
Sin is a curse and it blights the soul:
The wages, which is death, takes the toll;
Man bereft of grace, of holiness,
Are lost without Christ’s Robe of Righteousness.
Before them stands God judgement Throne to meet,
Where they must bow the knee at Jesus’ feet:
He is appointed Judge of God’s Decree,
Where good and bad shall spend eternity.
Composed by
Clarence Bentley.
Im Pressing On
Composed by Clarence Bentley
The night is dark, clouds all around;
I’m pressing on.
God is my light: blessings abound
To live upon.
Unchanging is His love and grace,
I’m pressing on.
Running with patience in the race
Till night is gone.
Press on my brother, do press on,
Fight the good fight till night has gone
Be strong, you’re not the only one,
Press on; press on.
Christ is my Captain, Leader, Friend;
I’m pressing on.
He will be with me to the end,
To lean upon.
My Guide, my Helper in the way,
I’m pressing on.
With Him it is not night, but day:
All fears have gone.
Press on, my sister, do press on.
Faith bids all doubts and fears begone;
Be strong, you’re not the only one,
Press on; press on.
I will rejoice in conflicts sore;
I’m pressing on.
Jesus, the Christ, has gone before:
Vict’ry He won
He suffered, bled, and died for me
I’m pressing on.
His faithful follower to be
Till crown be won.
Brother, and Sister, do press on,
Fight the good fight till crown be won,
Be strong, you’re not the only one;
Press on; press on.

Anchor 3
The other enclosure in the book was the top half of the letter heading shown above, used by the church at the time he was writing in it. It is of great interest to me personally, because the Chairman, T. Sherlock, (Tom Sherlock) was my paternal grandfather. I am not sure exactly how things developed because he lived in Bedford Street before I was born; but I know when he retired from his leadership position in the church, my uncle, Cecil Bentley (seen as a boy in the photo at the top of the page) became the pastor. The secretary, C. E Sherlock (Charlie Sherlock), was my grandfather’s brother. I have discovered an order of service sheet from the Golden Jubilee Anniversary Services, celebrating 50 years, dated February 18th & 19th 1978, with the following inside – probably written by my Uncle.
This year we are celebrating our Golden Jubilee. It is 50 years since Howard Carter opened the doors of Glad Tidings Hall, Boyer St., Derby. The Assembly, of course, had earlier beginnings. The George Street Mission was commenced in 1884, founders being Thomas Lymer and Charles Sherlock (Snr.)*
*Howard Carter was a leading figure in the Assemblies of God, and Thomas Sherlock (Snr) was my great-grandfather.
During the early years of this century, news was brought to us by John Long and others of the outpouring of the Holy Spirit. As a result of this the Assembly sent two delegates to Manchester, Fred Mathias and Joe Clarke. These brethren had something to report back, having received the blessing themselves while in Manchester.
Fellowship with the friends at Heanor was established early in 1912, an interfellowship which has continued without a break since that time. The Easter Convention arrangement is that meetings are held in Derby on Good Friday and at Heanor on Easter Monday, and for many years a feature of those meetings was that Heanor supplied speakers for Good Friday and Derby supplied speakers for Easter Monday.* Some of the members at Derby and Heanor recall those early days of travelling by horse-drawn brakes.
* In fact the whole of my time in that church, 1944-1957, Derby and Heanor churches each brought in a special speaker, and both preached at each meeting, afternoon and evening on Good Friday and Easter Monday.
At the General Conference in June 1927, following an Assemblies of God Executive meeting held at George Street in May, the Assembly was welcomed into the fellowship of the Assemblies of God.
The move to Boyer Street was not the result of long term planning. The George Street Mission was situated over a carpenter’s workshop and in November 1927 we were given notice to leave the meeting room, at a time when arrangements had been made for Stephen Jeffreys* to conduct a campaign in Derby in March 1928. Just at the right time the Baptist Church on Boyer Street was put up for sale, and although there were other prospective buyers, under the hand of God we were successful in obtaining the building, but not without sacrificial giving and help from others, in particular Howard Carter.
* Stephen Jeffreys had a powerful healing ministry, and although I was not born in time to have witnessed it myself, I remember one of the church elders in Derby telling me how he had seen people coming on crutches, then after prayer throwing them away and running and jumping.
Some idea of the results of the campaign will be appreciated from the fact that besides many conversions and spectacular healings, during the year 1928 95 people were baptised and during the two months following the campaign 14 baptismal services were held.
Charles Flower was appointed Pastor in September 1928, a position he occupied until his death in 1942. Thomas and Charles Sherlock* took over joint leadership for a short period until Charles Sherlock took over the pastorate of the Leabrooks Assembly. Thomas Sherlock continued at Boyer Street until his retirement in 1950 when Cecil Bentley was appointed as pastor.
* As previously mentioned, Thomas, my grandfather, and Charles were brothers.
A class to study New Testament Greek was formed in September 1928 and the Assembly became well-known in the district for its intensive study and expository teaching.
Considerable impetus was also given to promote and encourage Youth Work both locally and in the district, by the spiritual zeal and organising ability of Charles Sherlock, the effects and influences of which are evident to this present day.
We record with thanksgiving the treasured memories of all those of our fellowship, who down through the years have been a source of inspiration and blessing, and for that family atmosphere that prevails in our midst.
At the time of the opening of Glad Tidings Hall, Howard Carter started up the chorus, taken up by the congregation as they entered the hall, and which has been a favourite in our Church Anniversary services since that time and is still our testimony.
And above the rest this note shall swell
My Jesus has done all things well.
(This is the chorus from an 18th century hymn by Samuel Medley that can be heard here, by the Coventry City Salvation Army Band)
I end this page with the last photo I have of my grandad Bentley, taken just a few months before he died, and with the short poem he had written on the back of the letter heading.
Last poem and Photo
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